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  • rosselli

Women a good new

Let's start from the fact that blood is a precious subtance beacuse is it the basic of life and has the task f nourishing our physical structure and also the mental and emotional aspect. But if the blood is precious why do we expel it once a month?

Because if conception does not take place, you have to LET GO the "old" to make space for the "new".

There is a very close relationship between blood and emotions: as we accumulate blood in the uterus throughout the month, so in a sense we accumulate positive and negative emotions at the same time.

During menstruation we have the opportunity to let go of blood and emotions together, so freeing ourselves from the old ... HOW LUCKY!

Instead menstrual phase teaches us that:

- everything is a cyclical

- you can not fill yourself up indefinitely (with objects, emotions, activities..) you have to empty yourself at least one time per month

-letting go means making space for new nourishment

For us accumulate and have many things is positive, while emptying and having LITTLE is negative.

We do not realize that "too full" prevents us from adding anything else.

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